Mrs. O'Connell


Kirstin has been co-director of Rush Nursery School since 2005. She started as a teacher aid in 2002 and began teaching 3 years later. Previously, she taught 6th grade for 7 1/2 years, taking time off to have her own children. Kirstin brings to Rush Nursery School a Masters Degree in Elementary Education, with a minor in Special Education.


Happy Spring! The children have been enjoying counting our Lion and Lamb days in March.
Let’s hope that Lamb wins! Our next field trip to the Inquiry Room at the RMSC is a favorite. The
children will love all the hands-on activities. We will continue to meet Alphabuddies and work on
Fundations to learn to write and recognize letters. Our last field trip will be to the Planetarium to
watch a show. The children will ride a school bus to and from the Planetarium. We will have RH
school bus drivers come into class to discuss bus safety before your field trip. The Firemen will
also be coming to our school in May to discuss Fire Safety. It will be an exciting and fun rest of
our school year with many memories to be made

Updates & Resources

Peek of the Week

Snack Helpers


Permission Slips